Jr. Independent Master Agent

Jr. Independent Master Agent
Jr. International Master Agent is an entrepreneur willing to learn digital marketing and be placed under an International Master Agent that sponsored him or her or depending on his or her region. Sponsorship from IMA is needed. An Yearly SaaS Licenses is needed. Would you like to learn more?
A. Setup as JIMA $650 per year.

Virtual Training, 30 sec. video, added to Google Search, YouTube Channel and Automated Lead Capture Page. Jr. International Master Agent commission is 15% of Business Starter Program & Executive Program of the said development cost. IMA commission is 10% of Private Group Campaign & Private Label – White Hat. No Residual

Duties as JIMA:

Recruit 50 new business accounts / signups / sales. After reaching 50 new deals they will break away and make 30% of Business Starter Program & Executive Program of the said development cost. IMA commission is 20% of Private Group Campaign & Private Label – White Hat. and the $9 residual. JIMA is responsible for providing all materials including scripts of project, failure to do so commission will be adjusted to 5% commission.

Step #2: Enter Account Information in Your Email Client
All popular (and more importantly up to date) email clients require only a few basic pieces of information to start checking and sending messages from your account.
  • Incoming Server

    The server that receives and stores messages sent to your e-mail account, accessed by the e-mail client via IMAP or POP3. For an overview of the differences between the two please see our IMAP vs POP3 E-Mail guide. Secure (SSL) connections use the server’s hostname and standard (non-SSL) connections use your domain name.

  • Outgoing Server (SMTP)
  • User Name and Password
If you are launching your local email client for the first time after you installed it you will most likely be prompted to create a new account as soon as you launch the program. The following steps will start the process of adding a new email account to your local client. Once you have completed these steps, you will see a screen that asks for the server and user information outlined above.

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